Monday, 16 December 2013

Every Penny Counts..... Literally.

No I really really mean it, you know all those pennies that you just misplace, throw out, accidentally wrap up in the carrier bag and put it in the recycling? The could add up to £100's.

Over the past year every time we find one of those pesky little pennies knocking about the house it's been thrown into a pot.
This morning we emptied out the pot onto the table and set about sorting through the bronze and the silver and bagging them up.

We are a card family, we rarely carry cash (this totally needs to change but that is a whole other blog) so imagine my surprise when we counted.......


We have used this to open a savings account for Baby Badger as we have never got round to it when he was born.Let me warn you though, don't try to sort your pennies if your toddler is awake! Not only do will you have your neatly sorted coins scattered all over the house but you will also have grimy hands leaving you unable to fish bits of floor fluff from your toddlers mouth with out rigorously scrubbing your hands first, by which time that floor fluff will be no more. 

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